Successful Implementation of Energy Efficiency Projects: “Quick and Dirty” Can Be a Losing Approach

Perhaps I have become cynical over the years. As we age, we all come to realize that the best of intentions are often waylaid by miscommunication, self-interest and incompetence, and that the end result of what should be a successful plan, often falls short.  This can be, and is often, the case for energy efficiency. Every year, thousands of well-thought out, well-analyzed and clearly specified energy efficiency projects fail to deliver the expected savings. Some deliver no savings at all.  Countless times I have seen energy conservation measures (ECMs) installed, only to find that they are not saving as much as was expected. I understand that building owners have limited budgets, and it seems wiser, at first glance to use all the money to install as many ECMs as the budget will allow. Unfortunately, this is not the best approach to energy efficiency.  It is usually better to install fewer ECMs and ensure that they are all meeting energy savings expectations, than it is to install more ECMs and risk them not performing.  The end result, reduction of the utility spend, should be more if you take the measured approach I am describing below.

Successful Implementation of Energy Efficiency Projects: “Quick and Dirty” Can Be a Losing Approach