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MarketManager » Results
Q: Unmet heating hours, what does it mean? Is it important?


Unmet heating hours do not have to be met for MarketManager to give results. There are cases where you may purposefully not want them to be met. If you were modelling a building that had undersized or broken heating equipment, then you would expect unmet heating hours.

Unmet heating hours occur when the plant equipment's capacity is smaller than the combined heating/cooling requirements of the systems, or if the heating equipment is scheduled off when it is needed, or if it is locked out when it is needed.

Terminal reheats and dual duct systems heat most, if not all of the time. If you have either of these systems, then you are likely to have unmet hours due to your heating lockouts and/or schedules.

A good way to figure out why you experiencing unmet heating hours is to look at diagnostics. In the Plant data group, there is an unmet heating hour date field. This field allows you to find out what months, days and hours this is occurring and will help you to track down why you have unmet heating hours.

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