
Join us in our previously recorded webinar sessions. These videos cover a variety of topics, from energy saving opportunities, to new services and tools in the field. We hope you enjoy them.

Select a category, and you will see a filtered list of webinars :

  • Weather Normalization of Utility Bills: How it Works

  • Reading Utility Bills to Determine How the Building is Using Energy

  • HVAC and HVAC Control Strategies

  • The Basics of Electricity Rates

  • Testing and Balancing: Why Does it Matter?

  • What is Energy AI: A Fantastic Analysis of Interval Data

  • Chiller Basics: Good Hands on Knowledge for Energy Engineers and Energy Analysts

  • Metrix and Option C Q&A

  • Boiler Plant Basics: Good Hands on Knowledge for Energy Engineers and Energy Analysts

  • Doing Regressions by Hand vs. Metrix

  • Compressed Air Basics and Energy Savings Opportunities

  • Virtual Energy Audits: The Promise and the Reality

  • Comparison of Option C Methods: Hourly, Daily, Weekly, and Monthly

  • A Deeper Look at Water Efficiency Measures

  • Energy AI: A Closer Look

  • More on Statistics: CVRMSE, R2, Confidence Intervals, Uncertainty and All the Rest

  • The Ins and Outs of Utility Bill Audits

  • Building Pressurization: A Black Art Examined

  • Air Scrubbers: Decrease Outside Air Minimums, Killer Paybacks, and ASHRAE Product of the Year

  • What 3rd Party M&V Evaluators Look for: A Discussion with an Evaluator

  • Report Maker Refresher Course: Reports You Didn’t Know, Memorized Reports, Report Sets, and More

  • Thermal Energy Storage: Now and for the Future Electric Grid (with Guy Frankenfield of DN Tanks)

  • Controls 101

  • What You Need to Know About Boilers, with AEE Hall of Famer: Fredric Goldner, CEM

  • Solar Energy and Utility Bill Tracking: We Try to Simplify A Complicated Situation

  • COVID-19 and its Effect on M&V: A Conversation with ESCO M&V Professionals

  • 25 Years of IPMVP: Where it Came From and Where it’s Going, with Steve Kromer

  • Motors 101, with Lonnie Russell

  • Option C Software: How Does it Compare to Metrix?

  • Want to Start an Energy Efficiency Business? Let’s Talk Psychology, Risks, and Benefits

  • Active M&V: How to Handle Failing ESCO Projects, with Greg Kurpiel

  • An Update on ESPCs and UESCs, with Tim Unruh

  • Keep it Simple Stupid: M&V for ESCOs is not the Same as M&V for Utility Programs

  • Trend Data Analysis and the Universal Translator

  • The New IPMVP Manual on Non Routine Adjustments, with Lia Webster

  • Modeling Utility Rates in Metrix and Option C Step by Step

  • A Third Party Consultant Speaks About the ESCO Business

  • A Fresh Look at Option C: What’s New

  • M&V Concepts and Contexts: IPMVP’s Original Sin, with Steve Kromer

  • Cut out the M&V Guesswork Using Circuit Level Metering

  • ESPC: A Repeat Client’s Perspective

  • Beyond the Steam Trap: A Holistic Approach to Achieving and Maintaining Steam System Efficiency

  • EV Chargers: The Next Hot ECM

  • The Future of M&V: Re-imagining the Tools to Accommodate the Needs of the Energy Transition

  • Sampling Techniques for M&V

  • Electrification: Don’t Drink the Kool Aid Just Yet

  • Why We Do Uncertainty? A Utility Perspective

  • Option C CVRMSE in Portfolios Can Be High!

  • Applying Bayesian Analysis to Measurement and Verification

  • Cost Avoidance vs. Normalized Savings

  • High Level ESCO People Talking M&V

  • NAESCO President Don Gilligan Shares Wisdom on Decades of ESCO History

  • Energy Efficiency in Data Centers

  • Chilled Water System Optimization

  • Five Steps to Successful Chilled Water System Optimization

  • Interval Data Modeling and Analysis with ECAM

  • A Fast and Easy Way to Get Bill Data into Metrix: Fastdata (Free Version)

  • Pumps: How to Read a Curve and Like It

  • Debate: What to do When the Regression is Not Statistically Significant?

  • Utilizing Tax Benefits from the Inflation Reduction Act IRA to Advance Your Company’s Goals

  • Pumps: How to Identify ECMs

  • Night Setbacks Don’t Deliver Savings, and Other Lessons from Real AI Building Management Systems

  • The Battery Electric Vehicle Meets The Clean Energy Challenge

  • What to Look for in Compressed Air System Audits, and How Much You Can Expect to Save

  • Steve Kromer on M&V Professionalism in a Changing World