Metrix Utility Accounting System Report Maker

Create Fantastic Reports in Just Minutes!

Metrix 4 Report Maker enables you to clearly communicate your results to different audiences, from energy engineers to financial decision makers. Concise reports and graphics are available for each stage of your project. Setup and baseline tuning, bill validation, tracking and savings verification, price comparisons, facility ranking and more… Metrix 4 Report Maker can make great looking reports that anyone can understand.


Here are just a few of the features that Metrix Report Maker has:


Grouping in Report Maker
In larger Metrix projects, you might want to make a report that breaks out your meters into other groupings than just Sites or Areas. For example, suppose you have a Metrix project for a school district and want to make a report that just shows Elementary Schools. It is likely that you have a different site for each school, so there is no easy way to make a report just for Elementary Schools. Or suppose you want to compare $/SQFT of Elementary Schools, Middle Schools, High Schools and Administration areas. Metrix now allows this with Grouping. Each Site, Area or Meter can be grouped.



Savings by Meter Report
There is also a new report that breaks out savings on a meter basis. Each printed page shows energy and associated dollars for one year.



Simplified Report Selecting
Metrix Report Maker separates reports by function, allowing you to easily find the report you need, even if you’re not familiar with the terminology. Previews of the different reports are shown at right, and underneath the sample reports are links which bring up different samples of the report type you have highlighted.



Memorized Reports
Do you want a quick way of running the same report over and over? Do you have a hard time remembering how you got a certain report? If so, then memorized reports will be useful to you. With memorized reports you can run a report, memorize it, and then run it again from the Fast Reports section. There’s also now an easy way to re-run just your last report.



Add Your Own, Custom Logo
Would you like to add your company logo to your Metrix Reports? The new Logos feature of Metrix Report Maker will allow you to add your company logo to the header of your reports improving the professional appearance of your reports.



Report Sets
Need to run multiple reports at once? Report sets allow you to run as many reports as you want, all at the same time. Report sets can be used to simplify your monthly reporting process, or to create a template of reports for use by your employees.


Runs Directly Inside of Microsoft® Excel® 2003 and Up

Metrix ReportMaker utilizes Excel 2003 and up to create great looking reports every time.

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