US Border Station

Project Overview

Our client was GSA Region 8. The location was a US Border Station in Montana consisting of 5 buildings comprising 12,000 square feet. The buildings include a main building, two garages, an office/firing range, and a water treatment plant. An ASHRAE Level II audit was conducted.

US Border Station

The Problem

Our client needed to find ways to reduce energy usage. Despite being a well maintained facility, our evaluation resulted in several potential energy and operational savings. We spent one day on site.

The Solution

The first phase of the audit process consists of a utility summary and analysis on the latest 12 to 24 months of utility bills for the site. This analysis generated a baseline for the energy usage and utility costs, which was used in calculating potential energy savings. Annual utility cost was $71,852 with 69% of the cost for electric and 31% for gas.

Next we performed an on-site inspection to collect all the relevant data on the existing building conditions. This on-site assessment included reviewing building and equipment data, interviewing site personnel, observing energy related equipment operation, and conducting some limited site measurements. Based on our inspection and calculations we developed a list of seven no cost and low cost energy conservation measures (ECMs).

The Result

The seven ECMs include; retro fit of the parking lot lights, new lighting controls in all buildings, install T8 lamps in all buildings, converting multi zone AHU-1 to VAV, boiler flue gas heat recovery, and two controls changes for 3 locations.


The ECMs resulted in savings of $11,880 per year. Over $20,000 in incentives were also identified.