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Metrix » Weather
Q: How are HDD and CDD calculated?

A:  CDD and HDD are key to performing weather normalization, and are an important element of Metrix.

1. Cooling degree days (CDD) are calculated by first applying the following formula to each day in a billing period:

CDD=(Average Outside Temp – Balance Point Temp) * 1 day

Where “Average Outside Temp” is the average of the daily high and low temperature, and “Balance Point Temp” is the temperature at which your building begins to heat.

To determine CDD for the billing period, sum CDD for each individual day, calculated previously.

CDD cannot be negative. If negative, set the value to zero instead.

2. Heating degree days (HDD) are calculated in the same way, using the slightly different formula below:

HDD=(Balance Point Temp – Average Outside Temp) * 1 day

In this case, “Balance Point Temp” is the temperature at which your building begins to cool. This value can be different from the CDD Balance Point Temp.

As with CDD, to determine HDD for the billing period, sum your calculated daily values.

HDD cannot be negative. If negative, set the value to zero instead.

The HDD and CDD shown for each bill in your Metrix project will be sum of all the daily degree days for the selected billing period.

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