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MarketManager » Diagnostics
Q: How do you use diagnostics?


Diagnostics are useful in understanding just how MarketManager is modeling your facility. You can find hour data for: weather, room temperatures, RATs, MATs, CDTs, HDTs, cooling and heating coil loads, unmet cooling and heating hours, equipment run-time percentages, etc.

Assuming your project is open.

  1. Go to diagnostics view (bottom button on left). MarketManager will ask if it can create a new item. Respond "yes."
  2. A data form will open, which lists all the months and days for which data will be retained. It will also list all possible types of data that can be retained on the right. I suggest for small projects, that you click on all months, and just on Monday. Leave the checkboxes on the right as is. If you have a large project, then just pick one or two months, and just Monday. (The reason why you don't select all days and all months for every project, is that diagnostics takes up a lot of memory. If you reach a certain threshold, either MarketManager will crash upon simulating.)
  3. (If you have a large project, and you are looking for other ways to cut down on diagnostics memory usage, then in the diagnostics view, you can "cut" (not "delete") child items in the diagnostics view so that no diagnostics data will be collected for them.)
  4. Now simulate.
  5. Now open diagnostic results.

There are several listboxes in the diagnostics results form, some of which are interconnected. Your selection in the Data Group list box will determine your choices in the Data Field list box, which in turn will determine your choices in the Data Unit list box. The best way to peruse diagnostic results is to first choose the appropriate Data Group. Then choose the Data Field you want, and then the Data Unit. The other list boxes are independent of each other.

A few interesting and useful places to visit in diagnostics:

1. To view economizer activity:

Data Group: HVAC
Data Field: Outside Air
Data Unit: Percent

2. To view zone heat extraction (amount of heating or cooling applied to zone):

Data Group: Zone
Data Field: Zone Heat Extract.
Data Unit: Sensible

3. To view average zone temperature

Data Group: HVAC
Data Field: Average Room Air
Data Unit: Dry Bulb Temperature

4. To view unmet hourly heating load

Data Group: PLANT
Data Field: Unmet Heating Load
Data Unit: Sensible

"0"s or "-"s in a zone temperature and other fields *may* signify that the system (AHU) was not on, as the zone was either not calling for cooling or heating or was scheduled off.

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