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MarketManager » Results
Q: Why do version 1.50 results differ from version 1.60 results?


This problem occurs only for projects that have chillers attached to them.

If you notice that your chiller is using lots more energy in version 1.6 than it did in version 1.5, chances are that this increased usage is due to an incident with the chiller item. If you open the chiller | detail form. You will find some new fields in there. If you look for Delta input/DT and Delta output/DT and look to the far right, you will find 00.000 and 00.000 for these two values. If you change them to 0 and 0 and resimulate, the results will match again.

The 00.000 is the problem, it is not really 0 as you think but some other number.

Version 1.61 will take care of this problem.

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