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Metrix » Weather
Q: Why are there -99\'s in my weather file?

  1. What does the -99 mean. Why is it there?

    Answer: A gap in the data is unacceptable, the -99 is recognized by Metrix as a missing data point. This seldom occurs, but weather stations can have days where they do not report weather. Extreme weather such as hurricanes or blizzards are often the culprits.

  2. Will Metrix ignore the -99 or do I need to replace it with something else? The graph shows the -99 on the chart when looking at the weather history. Will the -99 skew the data for that month when I tune?

  3. Answer: Metrix is smart enough to ignore -99s. However, the best thing to do is to replace the -99s with estimates of what the weather could have been. A common approach is replace the -99 with the average of the temperatures from the day before and after the affected day. You would do so for both the high temperatures, and then for the low temperatures.


    3/1/99 High Temperature = 100 degF, Low Temperature = 80 degF
    3/2/99 High Temperature = -99, Low Temperature = -99
    3/3/99 High Temperature = 120 degF, Low Temperature = 100 degF

    Replace the -99s with the averages:

    3/2/99 High Temperature = 110 degF, Low Temperature = 90 degF

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