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Metrix » Rates
Q: What are non-standard rates in Metrix and How can I use them?


Metrix can model most utility rates in the country. On occasion, SRC Systems has customized the Metrix and MarketManager rate module to handle unusual rates. These are the non-standard rates.

The following utilities have rates that cannot be modeled using standard Metrix and MarketManager rates, instead special rate provisions for determining billing demand, minimum charges and seasonal energy usage were written into the programs.

  • Missouri Public Service (MPS),
  • Southwestern Electric Power Company, and
  • Central Power and Light

The following rates are associated with the non-standard Rate Type selections:

 MPS Seasonal:  Use with MPS rates 320, 325, 330, and 335
 MPS Seasonal No Dmd:  For MPS Rate 310, 340 and 345
 MPS 620-640 No Dmd:  For MPS Rates 620, 630, and 640
 MPS 311-316 SGS w/Dmd:    For MPS Rates 311 and 316
 SWEPCO Rider C2:  For SWEPCO Rider C2 in Arkansas
 SWEPCO Min. Bill:  For SWEPCO GLP & LP in Louisiana and GS & LP rates in Texas.
 SWEPCO C2 & Min Bill:  For SWEPCO GLP & LP in Louisiana and GS & LP rates in Texas.
 CP&L Rider 12:  For Central Power & Light Rider 12
  1. Note: When MPS Seasonal, MPS Seasonal No Dmd, or MPS 311-316 SGS w/Dmd are selected, the energy charges for the "seasonal" energy tiers must be entered in the fourth, fifth and sixth energy tier charge positions in the Energy Rate Detail Data Sub-Form.

  2. Note: When SWEPCO Min Bill or SWEPCO C2 & Min Bill are selected, you must enter the minimum Demand Charge ($/kW) in the Minimum Demand Charge field in the Rate Detail Data Sub-Form.

  3. Note: When SWEPCO Rider C2 or SWEPCO C2 & Min Bill are selected, you must enter the "60% of the kW load of the devices used for comfort space heating" in the Billing Credit field in the Demand Charges Detail Sub-Form. Also, in the Winter Demand Charges item the Ratchet Demand #1 field must be set to 100% for the months of May through October.

To set up the Rate Type, CP&L Rider 12:

  1. In the RATES item, select "CP&L Rider 12" for the Rate Type.

  2. Create separate CHARGES items for On-Peak and Off Peak demand periods.

  3. Enter demand pricing in the On-Peak Demand CHARGES item, and leave

the pricing in the Off Peak Demand CHARGES item set to zero.

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MetrixMarketManagerReportMakerOption C