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MarketManager » Installation
Q: Can I install MM or Metrix3 on a 64 bit operating system?

A:  Yes and no. MM and Metrix3 are 16 bit programs, so they cannot run directly on a 64 bit operating system. There is a way around this. This method allows you to run MarketManager on 64-bit Windows 7 Professional, Enterprise, and Ultimate (not Home Professional).
  • Go to http://www.microsoft.com/windows/virtual-pc/download.aspx
  • Select desired language and your computer\'s version of Windows 7 (not Home Professional)
  • Follow the online download instructions to install Windows Virtual PC and XP mode onto your computer
  • Choose \"Virtual PC\" from your list of programs in the Start menu and then open \"Windows XP Mode\"
  • Follow first-time user setup wizard to run Windows XP mode
  • Open Internet Explorer inside the Windows XP mode window
  • For Metrix3, go to either https://www.abraxasenergy.com/dl/mx310_full_install.zip and follow instructions to download Metrix3 inside the Windows XP mode window
  • You can now run Metrix3 inside this Windows XP mode window, which you treat like a separate computer.

See http://www.microsoft.com/windows/virtual-pc/ for support with the XP emulator.

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