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Metrix » Bill Register
Q: Billed kW, why would you enter it into the bill register?


Here is some information on billed kW you might have not known.

If you choose to enter billed kW into your bill register, you are probably doing it for one of four reasons:

  1. because you want to keep track of billed kW as reported on your bill
  2. because Metrix cannot model your complicated ratchet or unusual power factor charge
  3. because you want to verify that Metrix is correctly calculating billed demand
  4. because you are extra careful and want to put all the right information into the program.

Entering Data in the Billed Demand Register

You may choose to enter billed demand data in the Bill Register (this occurs in the Actual view). However Metrix will not consider the billing demand data you entered when it determines SimActual billing demand for the current period. If you entered actual demand data also (you do this in the Actual view), Metrix will calculate a billing demand based upon the rate tariff you described, and present it in the SimActual view.

To repeat: what you enter in the billed demand field in the meter register (in the Actual view) will not be used by Metrix in the calculation of SimActual, Baseline or Target demand.

Therefore, you may choose to enter billed demand in the meter register to keep track of what the billed demand on the bill actually was. You can also enter billed demand in the meter register (in the Actual view) to verify that Metrix is calculating billed demand correctly in the SimActual view. But, there is really no other reason.

If Metrix Cannot Calculate Billed Demand

If Metrix does not have the capability to model your billed demand amount (due to complex ratchets, power factor tariffs, etc.) then you will want to enter billed kW in the actual kW column (in the Actual view), not the billed kW column. You will also want to make sure that you do not have power factor adjustments or ratchets or anything else that might affect Metrix's calculated billed demand in your rate tariff. Then Metrix will still calculate a billed demand, but it should then be the same as the billed demand that you entered in the actual demand column. If you do this, be advised that this will probably mess up your tuning for demand.

To Verify that Metrix is Calculating the Correct Billed Demand

You can use the "Detailed Bill Validation" Report to check to see if billed demand as calculated by Metrix (SimActual) is the same as that you entered in the bill register (Actual). If you click on the Expert button (which is above the Preview button), and then in the second to last row, click on Bdm (for billing demand), the Detailed Bill Validation will show you the billed demand you entered (Actual), and that which Metrix calculated (SimActual).

Tracking both Billed Demand and Actual Demand

You may also be tracking actual demand for your comparison, and not billed demand. You can actually track both. Assuming you don't have TOU rates, you can select 2 TOU periods for demand. For the first, you can call it actual demand, and the second can be called billed demand. This way, if you want, you can tune and track both (if you want).

Importing Data into Billed Demand

You cannot import billed demand data into Metrix at this point.

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